"We love because God first loved us," 1 John 4 verse 19.
Inspired by God’s love for us,
we seek to be
a loving, serving, learning community
in which our belief that
all people should be valued
for who they are in God’s image
creates a culture where
all can explore, discover, flourish
and therefore achieve their best.
Inspire Believe Achieve
These three words support our vision for all we do at Teversham Church of England Primary School, in the following ways:
INSPIRE: we create inspiring learning opportunities through our teaching, our curriculum and the environment
BELIEVE: we nurture and grow our Christian ethos of love and respect for each other and ourselves
ACHIEVE: we ensure all our children make good and better progress through good and outstanding teaching
COMMUNITY: we embrace all those living and working in the local and wider community
In our July 2024 SIAMS inspection, the inspector noted that our "vision runs through the school like a golden thread, evident throughout the work of the school." We are proud of how our culture ensures all children can flourish and achieve their best. SIAMS inspection report
Church School Values
As a Church School we live out our Christian Values every day in everything we do and in our relationships with each other. Our core values are shown above:
Hope, Courage, Forgiveness, Thankfulness, Truthfulness and Perseverance.
There are many Christian values that are also important for us, with love as the golden thread. These include:
Agape - love; Koinonia - community; compassion; peace; justice; service; self-sacrifice; hope; humility; wisdom; respect; reverence; trust; friendship; creation and stewardship.
Our aims:
• To provide a safe, happy and supportive school where pupils and adults enjoy working, learning and achieving highly together.
• To promote Christian values and foster spiritual development.
• To encourage children to become good citizens through nurturing respect for themselves, others and the world around them.
• To develop children as independent and self-motivated learners who are self‐disciplined members of the community.
• To provide high quality learning opportunities within a broad, balanced, accessible and inspiring curriculum (see Curriculum Intent).
• To provide a supportive and professional atmosphere where all members of the school community can work and develop individually as part of a team.
• To nurture imagination and inspire dreams.
• To promote physical, mental and emotional wellbeing to enable everyone to develop a healthy lifestyle.