
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Hawk Class

Welcome to Hawk Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Miss Whitmore

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Whalley, Mrs Doggett, Miss Traynier

PPA cover - Mrs Taylor (Music) Mr Mead (P.E.)

French - Madame Marsh

A Day of Fun Building Tents in the Rain to Celebrate the End of our KS2 Assessments

Having fun on Sports Day 2021

KS2 Christingle Service live streamed from Ely Cathedral

Christmas Art Day 2020 - Hawk Class created a display based on the Christmas Carol 'In the Bleak Mid-Winter'

Grafham Water School Trip

Hawk class have been enjoying learning about the artist Giacometti and have been recreating drawings in his style.
