
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Kingfisher Class

Welcome to Kingfisher Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Miss Godfrey

Management Cover - Mrs Lander

PPA cover - Mrs Taylor (Music) Mrs Lander (HLTA)


Welcome to Kingfisher Class letter

Digging up our crops. We had potatoes, garlic and red onions to take home!

Marble reward treat - 'Wheels' and having fun

Traffic survey - gathering information for data handling

Science - Micro Habitats and mini beast hunting

Gardening - our vegetables are really growing!

Science visitor - Learning about our bodies

Practical maths - capacity

Visit to Wicken Fen - Looking at different habitats

Multi-skills activities at Bottisham Village College

Our visit to Pizza Express

Planting potatoes (and weeding again!)

Making flapjack for Mother's Day

Gardening - looking after our crops

Maths - Weighing

D.T. - Food technology making a salad

World Book Day

D.T. - Food technology - making pancakes and tasting the different toppings

Marvellous Middle - Spring Term - Quiz

D.T. Food technology

Visit to a Synagogue

SID TV 2019: Zap and Zoom - A Space Race - film for 3-7 year olds

Safer Internet Day will be on Tuesday 5th February 2019. Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally with the theme: Together for a better internet.
In this film we see Zap and Zoom help young children who are playing a video game at home.

ICT - Next steps in programming learning about algorithms and debugging.

ICT - programming

Spring Term Stunning Start - map reading skills

Christmas Party

Recreating the Great Fire of London

Nativity Play - A King is Born

Class Marble Treat - Disco

Fabulous Finish - History off the page - The Great Fire of London

Christmas Encounter Day - role play and asking questions

Measuring - first in cms' and then m's.

Dan the Skipping Man - To encourage us to be active and to skip.

Meet the new edition to Kingfisher Class - Sidney the Scarecrow protecting our seeds.

Marvellous Middle - Making lamps and the Royal Red Cross for Florence NIghtingale.

Gardening - planting bulbs and seeds. This involved a lot of measuring.

Gardening - 1st stage: getting the beds ready, clearing the weeds, improving the soli.

Autumn Term Stunning Start - History Detectives
