
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Anti-Bullying Information

Anti-Bullying at Teversham CE Primary School


We do all we can to make sure that all children at our school feel safe and happy. We can never say that bullying will never happen so we make our anti-bullying work a key priority all year round. We do this in the following ways:


  • We start every year with an Anti-Bullying week, to reinforce key messages and teach key skills.

  • All activities are age appropriate which involve discussions, role play of particular scenarios, storytelling and key messages, clearly defining what bullying actually is.

  • Work is created for a whole school corridor display which remains in place all year so that there are constant reminders of what to do.

  • During Anti-Bullying week the children are asked to create a logo for anti-bullying for their homework. (Hopefully this will involve parents.) The children then vote for the one they like best during school council (again more discussion about anti-bullying.) The winning logo is then displayed all around the school.

  • The anti-bullying work is shared with parents during a Family Celebration assembly, along with our key messages. The power point is available on the website.

  • The children create a pamphlet about anti-bullying which is available to all in the school reception area.

  • The Child Line number and link is available to all children on their Starz page.

  • Each term anti-bullying is revisited: during E-safety week in the spring term,  during Sex & Relationship week in the summer term (as well as during circle times, discussion times in class when this is necessary.)

  • Incidents are logged in accordance with the school policy. This is monitored by the Assistant Head teacher and Head teacher.

  • Pupil views are canvassed through School Council meetings, whole class discussions and the upper KS2 online Health Related Survey.  Parents views are sought through regular surveys.

  • All staff are regularly trained.

  • Anti-bullying Pathways of Help are shared with the children regularly and on display. 

Anti Bullying 2024-2025

Anti Bullying Display 2022-23

Anti-Bullying Display 2021-22

Anti-Bullying Display 2020-21

Anti-Bullying display 2019-20

Anti Bullying Display 2018-19

Anti-Bullying Display 2017-18

Anti-Bullying Display 2016-17
