
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve


Science Curriculum Statement of Intent

Curriculum Plans for Each Year Group

Please see Class Pages for more information on the Termly Curriculum Plans for each class. 

Year 3 - Naming and looking at parts of a flower to understand what job each part plays.

Year 5 - completing an investigation into air resistance

Year 5 - Filering and sieving to explore reversible changes

Year 2 - Exploring different materials and their properties.

Year 4 - Testing electrical circuits

Year 3 - Understanding magnetic force

Year 5 - Investigating the effects of Friction and it's real life application

Year 3 - Understanding friction as a force.

Year 3 Science - understanding that a force is a push or a pull.

Year 2 - Recycling - sorting materials

Year 2 - Investigating different materials to see if they are absorbent or not.

Year 1 - exploring every day materials

Year 5 - investigating the property of materials by finding the best insulator

Year 3 - testing the permeability of different rocks.

Year 3 - making skeletons

Year 3 - testing the strength of different magnets.

Year 3 - testing the friction of different surfaces.

Year 3 - Investigating how light travels.

Year 2 - Micro Habitats and mini beast hunting

Magic Mirrors! Peregrine Class using mirror reflection to walk the tight rope!

Peregrine Class dissecting flowers to understand about pollination and fertilisation.

To support their learning about the Circulatory System, Hawk class had a visit from Mr Fabb - a physician's assistant who works with blood on a daily basis.

In our EYFS we learn about the world around us in science. This term we have been learning about Autumn and our bodies.
