
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Hawk Class Year 6

Welcome to Hawk Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Miss Julie Godfrey (Mon - Wed am)

Miss Katie Whitmore (Wed pm - Fri)

Music - Mrs Julia Taylor (Thurs am)

French - Madame Marsh (Tues am)

Additional adults will support within the class throughout the week.

Gymnastics - we started with floor work, thinking about creating balances on our own and then with partners. We transferred these skills then to the apparatus.

We had a reflective session at church, thinking about some of the 'bigger questions' in life, and who helps us.

Having fun on the last afternoon of term playing games with our friends.

What a day - Christmas jumper day, with Christmas lunch and our own made party hats!

Jack and the beanstalk pantomime came to Teversham School - what a great time we had!

We were lucky enough to be invited to attend the schools Carol Service, held at Kings College Chapel.

We made our own Christmas items to sell at the Christmas Fayre.

During our Christmas Encounter Day, we learnt about the meaning of Advent and what the Advent Wreath symbolises. Each candle has a meaning, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Supporting Children In Need - non-uniform day.

Please click below to find information that was shared at the Grafham Water Centre Parent Information Evening

Just a few photos from our fantastic residential to Grafham Water.

Marble treat number 1 - we voted for either baking or making slime!

Mr Cade (a paramedic) came to talk to us about our science topic the circulation system. We learnt lots of new things, and our questions were answered.

One of our P.E. topics this half term has been fitness. This week the focus was coordination. We started off with basic skipping before developing our skills further. They got quite difficult in the end!

GenR8 came to talk to us about 'Cool Choices'. It involved great discussions, role play and a range of different activities.

PCSO visit - chatting about online safety
