Please do visit the RE section on our Curriculum page on this website to see photos of Collective Worship and RE experiences at our school. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see our Collective Worship policy and Visitors Booklet.
Collective Worship Themes Spring Term 2016
New Year and Resolutions, E-safety, Lent, Easter, New Life,
- Taking Responsibility for What We Say
- Taking Responsibility for Our Time
- Taking Responsibility for Managing Our Feelings, Especially our Anger
- Using Our Gifts Responsibly
- Taking Responsibility for Our Family Members
A gentle answer will calm a person’s anger.
But an unkind answer will cause more anger.
Proverbs 15 v 1
- Jesus, Hope of the World
- The Rainbow, Symbol of Hope
- Planting Hope
- Hope for the future, a New Heaven and a New Earth
- Bringing Hope to Others