When you arrive at the school, please enter the school grounds via the far wooden gate which is marked "Way In".
Use the markers on the ground to remain 2 metres away from anybody else entering the school grounds.
If dropping off/collecting a Sparrow child, please make your way to the Sparrow door, then follow the arrows on the ground to leave the school by the pedestrian gate marked "Way Out".
If dropping off/collecting a Key Worker child or a Year 1 child, follow the same instructions as above but continue past Sparrow door until you reach the green gate leading onto the school playground. Here, your child will be met by their Bubble Leader and asked to stand on a yellow marker. You will then continue to walk through the car park and exit at the pedestrian gate marked "Way Out".
If there is more than one parent arriving or waiting you will be asked to stand and wait on one of the white chalk lines 2 meters apart.
Mrs Kenzie, Miss Godfrey and Miss Whitmore will be outside the school during these times to help guide you. Scroll through these photos below to see what it looks like.