
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Hummingbird Class

Welcome to Hummingbird Class


Mrs Turner- Class Teacher

Mrs Whalley- TA

Mrs Lander- TA

Mrs Hilsden- TA

Mr Jordan- PE

Mrs Taylor- Music



Medium Term Plan Autumn 2014

Medium term plan Spring 2015

Shepreth Wildlife Park



Year 1 children have now learnt all of the phase 5 sounds.

Please practice reading and applying these sounds daily using your child's phoneme fan.


The sounds are: ay, ou, oy, ir, ie, ea, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e and u_e.


Children have also learnt to read these tricky words: oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, asked, looked, called and could.


Please practice writing these tricky words with your child: many, laughed, different, because, day and any.


The phonics play website has a lots of information for parents as well as games for your child to play to help them to apply their skills.


Surprise visit from the Fire Brigade!

Our trip to Denny Abbey 2.12.14

Autumn term plan for Hummingbird Class

Starz Page


Here is a link to our class Starz page


Your child will have an individual log in. There is a number of projects for children to access based on what we have been learning at school.
