What is the PTFA ?
The PTFA (Parent Teacher and Friends Association is an organisation of parents, staff and friends of Teversham Primary School. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school, fundraise for the school and create an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.
How is the PTFA organised?
Any parent/carers of Teversham Primary School can join the PTFA.
We hold an AGM once a year to elect a committee.
We usually meet once a term and set up smaller working groups to organise individual events.
We are very happy to welcome new members - just let us know! Whether you would like to get involved in meetings and planning events, or are simply able to offer a small amount of help manning a stall or supervising a disco, we are very grateful for any support you may be able to give.
How is money raised?
Most of our fundraising is done through events such as the Christmas fayre, Summer fete, discos, cake sales, movie nights etc.
How is money spent?
Funds raised by the PTFA are intended to provide “extras” not already provided by the school's main income – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting.
The PTFA committee and the head teacher decide how to spend funds raised. This often includes subsidising coach travel for trips to make these visits more affordable. We are currently fundraising for new ICT equipment, which will be well used by all children across the school.
Upcoming Events
Christmas Fayre
Christmas Disco