
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Hummingbird Class

Welcome to Hummingbird Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Mr Sambell 

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Farrer, 

PPA cover - Mrs Taylor (Music) Mrs Lander (HLTA)

Release time - Mrs Turner

27.02.2020 - Exploring sculpture

26.02.2020 Stunning start: Using maps to find clues about our new topic!

16.01.2020 Exploring our senses with a blind taste test

08.01.2020 Treasure hunt to find events from our lives!

16/12/2019 - Florence Nightingale

13/11/2019 - Asking questions to Florence Nightingale!

17/10/2019 - Burning Houses to recreate the great fire of London!

02/10/2019 - Making equals!

03/10/19 - In History today we learnt about the events of the great fire of London by pretending to interview key figures for the news

08.10.19 - Investigating and classifying different materials
