
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve


Geography Curriculum Statement of Intent

Curriculum Plans for Each Year Group

Please see Class Pages for more information on the Termly Curriculum Plans for each class. 

Trying to recreate a volcanic eruption in year 3

Peregrine Class presenting their persuasive posters linked to our geography topic - Contrasting Localities.

In Kingfisher Class we found out facts about the 7 continents of the world. Each fact that we found out earned points. The points then meant that we could collect pieces of the jigsaw so that we could create a map of the world. We worked together as a team to do this.

Kingfisher Class Stunning Start for our geography topic

Year 3 - studying OS maps and symbols.

Village Walk - Peregrine & Eagle - As part of our Topic 'Places Past and Present' we went on a Village Walk to learn more about our local area.

Each of the KS2 classes completed a trail through Teversham. This enabled us to draw maps of our local area.

Trip to Stibbington - Map reading and compass skills
