Music Curriculum Statement of Intent
Curriculum Plans for Each Year Group
Please see Class Pages for more information on the Termly Curriculum Plans for each class.
All pupils have an hour's music lesson each week with Mrs Taylor, a specialist music teacher. In addition to this they all attend a weekly singing assembly and take part in a musical production each accademic year.
Music in EYFS
The children sing songs together and sometimes play boom whackers or other percussion to accompany their voices. In group times they improvise, read and play rhythms and create music which communicates mood or creates as effect. They listen to music from different times and places and learn about instruments. The children will work alongside others, express themselves and be creative in response to music.
Classroom music in KS1
In KS1 the children continue to sing and play percussion. In year 2 they also start to learn to read musical notation and play the ocarina. Below are some comments from the children in year 1 about playing the ocarina.
"I love to play the ocarina because I love music"
"I like how peaceful the ocarina is when we play it"
"I like playing the ocarina because it is very fun. The ocarina is very fun!"
"I absolutely love the ocarina because when I play it it sounds soooooooo nice..."
"I have had a great time with the ocarina. I love it"
"I like playing the ocarina because it sounds so beautiful"
"Playing the ocarina is lots of fun"
"When I play the ocarina it makes me feel calm because it is smooth and extraordinary".
In KS1 the music they create starts to be planned more carefully. They are encouraged to consider a start, middle and end as well as choosing appropriate sounds and considering how to combine them well. They sometimes sing in parts and often accompany their own singing.
Classroom music in KS2
In KS2 the children sing more complex songs, including part songs, play tuned and untuned percussion as well as playing, composing and accompanying using keyboards.
The children play and compose on the keyboards for the majority of their music lessons. As they progress through the key stage they develop skills. For example when they learn to play chords they will start by playing one chord to accompany a piece. They would then move onto 2 chord pieces, through to more complex chords using some flats and sharps and onto pieces where they have to move between chords more frequently. Rhythm work also becomes increasingly complex as they progress through the key stage. In all year groups they listen to a variety of music, some classical, some from other cultures. ICT is also used for composing.
The Voyage
Our year 5 pupils have had the opportunity to work with year 13 pupils and the director of music, Mr Wingfield from The Perse, on a community project called 'The Voyage'. This involved the visitors working with our year 5 pupils for approx 10 lessons between November and March learning chorus songs for a performance. Our pupils were then able to sing on the stage at West Road concert Hall with other singers and musicians in an hour long multi media performance of 'The Voyage'. The children did a fantastic job and it was an extrodinary experince to be part of such an amazing sound!
Performances on Fridays
Pupils have many opportunities to play instruments including in assemblies on Friday when we like to have live musicians play us in and out of the hall.
KS2 Choir
On a Friday afterschool KS2 have choir. The choir sing regularly in school events, perform in the annual music concert, and sing to entertain the attendees of Hope Church's 'Classic Cafe' twice a year.
Choir visiting Hope Chapel
Instrumental Tuition
We currently have 5 instrumental teachers:
Mrs Parker - Recorder, Flute, Saxophone & Clarinet
Mr Garner - Brass
Mr Eisner - Guitar
Mrs Ludlam - Piano
Ms Rose - Violin, Viola, Cello & Piano
All lessons take place during the school day, on a rota basis, and pupils can be taught individually, in pairs or occasionally groups of 3 (this is dependent upon which instrument is being learnt and whether children can be suitably matched ability/ experience wise). Pupils may start learning an instrument from year 2 (please note flute and clarinet are available from year 3 and Saxophone only when the teacher says you're big enough!).
If you’re interested in your son/daughter taking up lessons please ask at the school office or contact Mrs Taylor on
Music Concert 5th June 2024
It was fantastic hold our Annual music concert again this June. Pupils from across the school, learning instruments, and the KS2 choir were able to perform in front of their peers and families. The children were absolutely fantastic - what a great evening of music!
University Woodwind Orchestra Concert
On Monday 13th March year's 3 and 4 went by coach to West Road Concert Hall. They listened to selection of music from films played by the Cambridge University Woodwind Orchestra. Included in the programme was music from 'Harry Potter', 'The Increadibles' and 'How to train your dragon'.
Carol Singing
At Christmas the children were invited to sing at Teversham's 'lights switching on' event.
Music Making Afternoon
On Tuesday 15th Oct '19 Teversham hosted it's first ever 'Music making afternoon'. All the children learning to play an instrument in school (if they were ready - some new starters didn't participate) and a couple of children having lessons outside school were joined by musicians from Fulbourn Primary to make music together.
The event was led by Mrs Taylor and was both exciting and inspiring for many. The children played several pieces that they had been learning with their music teachers for several weeks and during the afternoon they had chance to sing and play along with others. They made a great sound!