
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Curriculum and Learning (including behaviour)

Our Teversham Curriculum Statement of Intent:

  • Our curriculum at Teversham is underpinned by Christian values and aims to inspire all our children in their learning.
  • The curriculum will enable children to explore, discover, flourish and achieve their best.
  • Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities to link knowledge and skills across areas of learning.
  • Our curriculum is enriched with experiences which celebrate the opportunities in our local area and raise aspiration


The intent statement for each subject is linked to this overall statement and can be found on the subject pages below. 

Each subject page also shows photo examples of how our curriculum is implemented. 

Please click on the links below to find information about our curriculum. If you would like more detail about aspects of the curriculum taught at our school, please do contact the school office who will be happy to provide you with additional information.

Curriculum Plans for each class are shared termly with parents and details of these plans can be found on each class page of this website.

Curriculum Plans for Each Year Group

Please see Class Pages for more information on the Termly Curriculum Plans for each class. 

Our Teversham Learning Skills

We aim to develop the learning skills of all the children in our school and have ten key skills that we focus on. These are:

1. Ability to make mistakes and learn from them

2. Independence - thinking for yourself

3. Push yourself - ability to challenge yourself

4. Curiosity - asking questions

5. Trying new things - taking risks in our learning

6. Working together 

7. Making links in learning

8. Perseverance - not giving up

9. Resilience - bouncing back when things go wrong

10. Concentration

Each term feedback is given to parents on how well their child is able to demonstrate each skill as expected for their age.

  • Green means they demonstrate this skill consistently.
  • Yellow means they are able to demonstrate this skill with some support.
  • Red means they require a lot of support to demonstrate this skill.

We strongly encourage parents to support us in helping their children to develop these skills, which are valuable lifelong skills to have. 

