
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve


Maths Curriculum Statement of Intent

Curriculum Plans for Each Year Group

Please see Class Pages for more information on the Termly Curriculum Plans for each class. 

Progression of calculations throughout the school.

Progression of times tables across the school.

Websites for learning key facts.

Year 5 exploring the nets of 3D shapes

Year 2 Sorting 2D shapes using their different properties.

Using equipment in year 2 to help us solve our calculations.

Year 2 - Capacity reading scales in millimetres

Year 5 - Exploring vocabulary in decimal word problems

Year 2 - Exploring fractions in 2D shapes

Year 3 - Finding change at the Beach Cafe!

Year 3 maths games - Strike it Out and Reach 100. It got quite competitive!

Year 3 - using bar models and part-whole models to represent numbers that make 20

Year 6 - building nets of 3D shapes and then applying this to learn about surface area and volume.

Year 3 - measuring angles.

Revising place value using different resources.

Traffic survey - gathering information for data handling

Exploring angles as the measure of a turn using lolly sticks!

Drawing 2D shapes and finding the perimeter.
