
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve


Assessment - Measuring Impact of Our Curriculum


The Department for Education Reception Baseline assessment has been introduced in September 2021. This is a short assessment completed with a known adult in our EYFS classroom and is required to provide a baseline on entry to the reception class. 

Tapestry, an online learning journal, is used to record the learning and progress of the children in Early Years (Sparrow Class and the Pre-School) both at school and at home.  

Formative assessment is completed through the day and "in the moment" during Busy Learning. 

Children are more formally assessed each term and progress is tracked using FFTAspire. 

All children are assessed at the end of the EYFS stage for the EYFS Profile against the Early Learning Goals. All assessments inform the planning of teaching and learning as children transition into Year 1. 

Tapestry Parent Letter - includes Frequently Asked Questions

Internal Assessments in KS1 and KS2

Children are assessed informally throughout all lessons by the teachers who use this to adjust their teaching both during the lesson and planning for future lessons. Please see below our Feedback and Marking Policy. This is written for use by teachers but explains our principles and an overview of how we use feedback to move learning on. 


Formal Assessments take place each term in Reading, Spellings and Maths. Writing is also formally assessed termly. Progress is tracked internally using FFTAspire and used to inform reports to parents three times a year (see below). 


Achievement in foundation subjects is assessed at the end of each unit taught, identifying where further support may be needed to help all children develop the expected knowledge and skills in each curriculum area.


Assessment outcomes, both formal and informal, are shared with new teachers as part of transition at the end of each year. 


Reporting to Parents

Education is a partnership and we know how important it is to work together with parents to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children. We aim to ensure that parents are as well informed as possible about their child's progress and attainment. 


Parent Consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring terms - either in person or remotely online - when parents are able to discuss how well their child is settling in, their attitude to their learning and any concerns they may have. Teachers send home an information sheet prior to the meeting in order to share information on the child's attainment and progress in Reading, Writing and Maths, as well as their effort in these subjects and development of our Ten Learning Skills. We also include ways in which parents can help support their child's learning at home. Attendance and punctuality reports are also sent home and any concerns raised. 


At the end of the Summer Term an annual report is sent home to parents with information on progress and attainment in all subjects as well as a final attendance report.  There is an opportunity to meet the teacher again if this is needed. 


If you are concerned at any point about your child's progress, please do contact the school and either talk to the class teacher or arrange to meet with Mrs Simpkin Smith, Headteacher. 

Working with Children with Talent and High Attainers 

See below our guidance document on how we support children who are working above expectations for their year group, children who have exceptional knowledge, skills and understanding, and children with talent. 

SAT's End of Key Stage Asssessments

Please see the documents below for our Parent Information Sessions for KS1 and KS2 SATS.

KS1 SATs parents information
