
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Peregrine Class

Welcome to Peregrine Class

Meet the Team

Class Teachers - Mrs Kenward & Miss Owen

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Farrer Mrs Froggatt

French - Mdm Rice

PPA Cover - Mrs Taylor (Music), Mr Jordan (PE - games)

Friday in Peregrine Class


As you are now all aware, I will be teaching Peregrine class every Thursday and Friday. Here is some information about how our day will be structured to ensure it fits in with what the children have been doing all week.


Maths - we will carry out Maths investigations to develop the children's problem solving and reasoning skills. Where possible these investigations will link to the learning taking place each week Monday to Thursday. Children will have the opportunity to work in pairs and groups on practical activities as well as written investigative work.


English - Friday will be dedicated to spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG). These elements will be taught in isolation initially, and then followed up the next week during English lessons.


Reading comprehension - children will complete reading comprehension activities each week as it is essential to develop these skills alongside reading for enjoyment. There will be a focus on developing inference and deduction skills, answering complex questions on a variety of texts and engaging in meaningful discussions around the texts we are reading.


On Friday afternoons the children will have indoor P.E (rotating between gymnastics and dance) and PSHE. 


I hope this information is helpful. Please do come in and see me should you have any questions.

Mrs Kenward

Summer Term Planning

Tie dying

KS2 Celebrated a Victorian Christmas for our fabulous finish.

Evaluating existing shortbread in preparation to bake our own.

After studying the Victorian painter, JMW Turner, we painted our pictures in his style using watercolours.

Experiencing a Victorian School Day for our Marvellous Middle.

Engaging with our Class Book 'Street Child' by freeze framing parts of the story.

We have been learning to play Tag Rugby in PE and playing competitive games.

We enjoyed a visit from a local Drama company.

Learning how to skip in different ways.

We have been learning about the Victorian Explorer, David Livingstone, and presented biographies about his life using the laptops.

Beginning our 'Explorers' topic by looking at real historical artefacts.

'Welcome to Peregrine Class' Letter - please see for Key Info

Autumn Curriculum for our exciting topic - Explorers!
