
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Kingfisher Class

Welcome to Kingfisher Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Miss Godfrey

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Smith

Management Time - Mrs Garnier

PPA Cover - Mrs Taylor (Music) and Mr Jordan (P.E.)

Welcome to Kingfisher Class letter

Fabulous Finish - Woburn Safari Park

Fun with Bike-ability: Trying to generate electricity!

Multi Skills morning at Bottisham Village College

We had visitors - Week old Chicks.

Marvelous Middle - Looking at Australia

Summer Term Stunning Start - The Great Outdoors - Learning about the UK

Power point for Stunning Start - The Great Outdoors

Spring Term Fabulous Finish - A visit from Wood Green Animal Shelter.

Spring Term Marvelous Middle - Test your senses!

Spring Term Stunning Start - Let's Investigate!

Fabulous Finish - A trip to the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Marvellous Middle - Making models like Christopher Columbus' ship The Santa Maria.

Have a look at the KS1 Curriculum page to see us performing and reciting poetry.

Exploring, finding out for ourselves. We have been outside measuring in maths and using the iPads for our research topic.

Stunning Start - exploring artifacts.
