
Teversham CE VA Primary School

Inspire Believe Achieve

Eagle Class

Welcome to Eagle Class

Meet the team

Class teacher - Miss Di-Bella

PPA cover - Mrs Taylor (Music) Mr Hobbs (P.E.)

French - Madame Marsh

Water Cycle Workshop 10.3.20

World Book Day 5.3.20

Christmas Encounter Day. We heard the story of Papa Panov and created a story board. We then thought about the symbols of Christmas.

Fabulous Finish - Greek Morning - We made sculptures, bookmarks, puppets and even learned some Greek!

Learning more about sound with Lisa from Mundipharma

Eagle trip to the Museum of Classical Archaeology. We had a fantastic time learning more about Ancient Greece and the Romans. Our trip really enhanced our learning.

Greek Pots! After research, we designed and painted our own Greek pots!

Bottisham Football and Capture The Flag Events 16.10.19

Maths - Negative Numbers Game!

Science - Sound - Investigating sound waves by making String Telephones!
